How our work is raising awareness about online accessibility
We also found that for the majority of websites, getting a virtual (online by video) appointment was not an option as opposed to a telephone call, which applied to all, and this could ultimately detract from patient experience.
Now a year on, Future Health have used our previous research and compared it to current day where they have found out that 1/3 of GP practises now don't allow patients to book virtual appointments with a member of the public commenting that they had to call their GP practise 37 times before they were able to get through to somebody.
We think this is unacceptable and are happy to bring light to this issue, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic which proved how important accessible healthcare is to us all.
Thank you Future Health for continuing the necessary investigations into GP practise websites. Future Health Founder and Program Director Richard Sloggett described our research as 'invaluable and provided a really helpful framework to draw from'.
If you would like to read our report into GP practise's and their website accessibility, follow this link 'Good Practice' - a review of GP practice websites
Moreover, you can also find the report from Future Health by following this link: Future Health launches new research on quality of GP websites