Youthwatch is your chance to make a difference to health and care for other young people in Manchester.
Things we achieved in 2019 include:
• Accessible Information Standard compliance visits to Manchester’s Pharmacists
• Collaborated with local partners in the Be Bothered campaign to create the Young Carers Know Your Rights booklet.
• Began work on our Student Mental Health resources project.
We can use our influence through Healthwatch Manchester to make sure our voices are heard and acted upon by the planners and decision-makers in this city. You can join the group at any time.

Youthwatch Manchester can offer you:
- Training in a range of skills
- Work experience and a working reference
- Valuable experience to help with your personal statement for uni
- A chance to build your network of contacts across the city
But most of all Youthwatch will give you the satisfaction of knowing that what you did today will make a positive difference to health and care tomorrow.
For more information contact or fill out this form to let us know that you’re interested.